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Jefferson M Fish Ph.D.


Jefferson M. Fish is Professor Emeritus of Psychology at St. John's University, New York City, where he served as Department Chair and also as Director of the Ph.D. Program in Clinical Psychology. He is the author or editor of 12 books—most recently his e-book and paperback The Myth of Race—and more than a hundred other works dealing with race, culture, therapy, drug policy, and other topics. His articles have appeared in popular media (e.g., Psychology Today, Newsday, and The Humanist) and in academic journals (e.g., American Psychologist, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, and American Anthropologist). He received his BA in English, was an aspiring novelist, and taught English briefly, before going on to a career as a psychology professor. Since leaving academia he has devoted his time to writing and languages (he speaks Portuguese, French, Spanish, and German). His website is; on Facebook he is at; and on Twitter:

His PT blog is Looking in the Cultural Mirror.

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