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Jamie Turndorf Ph.D.


Dr. Turndorf is an internationally known relationship therapist, emotional communication expert, media therapist, author and advice columnist read by millions. Known worldwide as "Dr. Love," through the web, television, radio, and print, Dr. Turndorf has authored, Till Death Do Us Part (Unless I Kill You First): A Step-by-Step Guide for Resolving Relationship Conflict. Her book was endorsed by two New York Times #1 Best Selling authors, Dr. John Gray (author of Men are From Mars, Women are from Venus) and John Bradshaw (who wrote Homecoming), and now deceased Pulitzer Prize winning author and Harvard Professor of Psychiatry, Dr. John Mack. This book has been republished by Hay House under the title Kiss Your Fights Good-bye: Dr. Love's 10 Simple Steps to Cooling Conflict and Rekindling Your Relationship.

She has also authored Make Up Don't Break Up: Dr. Love's Five-Step Plan for Reconciling with Your Ex.

Dr. Turndorf is the creator of, the first relationship advice site on the web since 1995. The site has received up to three million hits per month and was voted "Best of the Net" and "Hottest Site on the Web." At her website, she offers the world’s first searchable relationship advice database. For the past 25 years, grateful clients and audiences have been benefiting from her life changing advice via TV, radio, and print, and, of course, face-to-face contact.

Dr. Turndorf is known for her keen intelligence, on-the-mark insight, wit, and tremendous warmth and caring. Dr. Turndorf has appeared on every major television network including, MSNBC, CNN, CNBC, VH1 and FOX, on such programs as Later Today, America's Talking, Inside Edition, and many others. Her expert advice has been featured on the radio and in print on WebMD,, iVillage, and in all the top national newspapers and magazines, such as Cosmopolitan, Modern Bride, Glamour, Complete Woman, American Woman, Men's Health 18, Marie Claire.

She's also featured in IDG’s Complete Idiot’s Guide to Online Dating and Relating.

As Founder/Director of the Center for Emotional Communication, she has spent the past twenty-five years perfecting her Core Therapy method, which enables people to unearth and heal the early wounds that interfere with the ability to establish and maintain loving relationships.

Dr. Turndorf also hosts "Love Never Dies" radio, which is broadcast on the DreamVisions 7 Radio Network.

Dr. Love's "Guide to Good Loving" column appears in national and international news periodicals with a readership of ten million. And Dr. Turndorf is regularly quoted in the "Can This Marriage Be Saved?" column, published in twenty-six newspapers in the L.A. Times Syndicate. Dr. Turndorf is the inventor of the award-winning game, "LoveQuest: The Game of Finding Mr. Right", nominated by Mensa as the "Most Creative and Intellectually Challenging Game of the Year" and voted by Fun and Games Magazine as a sure winner for the international "Most Creative Game of the Year" award. She has also authored the foreword to The Complete Idiot's Guide to Affair Proof Love and co-authored The Pleasure of Your Company: A Socio-Psychological Analysis of Modern Sociability (with Emile Jean Pin).

Since the recent death of Emile Jean Pin, her beloved husband of 27 years, she has discovered that relationships do not end in death. His miraculous manifestations, often in front of witnesses, have proven to her that there is life after life. Jean has asked her to tell their story to ease the two greatest and most universal fears: that of loving and losing and that of death and dying. Her experiences with him have led her to develop a groundbreaking form of grief therapy that diverges from the traditional Western approach (grieve, let go, and move on). By contrast, she combines her proven conflict resolution method with after death communication, offering an unprecedented new Trans-Dimensional Grief Therapy method for reconnecting and, if needed, making peace with the deceased. Her memoir and new method can be found in her no. 1 best-selling Hay House book Love Never Dies: How to Reconnect and Make Peace with the Deceased (translated into 34 languages).

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