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Beth Shaw


Beth Shaw is responsible for widespread growth of yoga throughout the U.S. and Canada. In 1994, she founded the global mind-body education school, YogaFit, which has since certified more than 200,000 instructors worldwide. She has led training courses in Saudi Arabia, Israel, Japan, and other international regions, as well as in North America, Australia, and Europe.

Shaw is the author of many books, including the best-selling YogaFit. She has been featured in fitness, business, and consumer publications including Self, Yoga Journal, The New York Times, Time Magazine, LA Times, Washington Post, and many more.

She speaks frequently at universities, conferences and Fortune 500 Corporations. She is on the CanFitPro Advisory Panel, is a Mentor for New York City High School students, and supports animal rights non-profit organizations, as well as being on the advisory board for Long Island University.

She holds a degree in business administration as well as nutrition and is a trained anger management specialist. Her non-profit organization, Visionary Women in Fitness, awards scholarships to women worldwide.

Shaw is the author of the recent book Healing Trauma With Yoga: Go from Surviving to Thriving With Mind-body Techniques.

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