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Discipline 101: Stick to Your Plan and Get It Done

Here's how to initiate and harness the discipline you need.

There are plenty of things in life that probably affect how you make decisions and different things that can grab your interest now and then. However, the truth is, not everything in life really deserves your attention. There are instances when you need to let go of some things and divert your attention to those that are more important and urgent, those that really matter.

Occasionally, you want to go for a walk, knowing how great it is for your health and how fantastic you feel afterward, yet, you feel too lazy and would like to watch television instead. You may be aware that you have to alter your eating habits or quit smoking; yet, you don't have the inner power and doggedness to alter these habits. Does this seem familiar? How many times have you stated: "I wish I had willpower and self-discipline"? How many times have you begun to do something, only to stop after a short while?

We all experience these setbacks. We all have habits or addictions we wish we could overcome— smoking, overeating, lethargy, procrastination, or lack of self-assertiveness. To combat these habits or addictions, one needs to have willpower and self-discipline. They make a big difference in everybody’s life and bring inner strength, self-mastery, and decisiveness.

Discipline Basics: What Is Discipline About?

How can you say that you are truly disciplined enough? Being disciplined is more than knowing what you should and should not do, and there are still many things that you should know about this “D” word. Discipline, What Is It About?

Having discipline is a behavioral pattern; you are the one who chooses to do the things that should be done instead of those that you would rather be doing. Discipline is the inner power pushing you to get out of your bed to exercise every morning instead of sleeping for hours. Discipline means having willpower over your basic desires.

Discipline is, in fact, synonymous with self-control. When you are disciplined, you have the personal initiative of getting started together with the stamina to carry on. When you are disciplined, you will have the strength of withstanding difficulties and hardships, whether physical, mental, or emotional.

This allows you to forgo immediate satisfaction to achieve something better, it calls for time and effort. Discipline is among the cornerstones to living a fulfilling and successful life, something that everyone, including you, should master.

How Will You Benefit From Being Disciplined?

There are perks of being a disciplined person. Once you are consistently doing things that you know you need to do exactly when you should be doing them, there are several benefits that you can enjoy:

  1. You are going to achieve your goals. Once you are consistently doing things that you know should be done, you are also increasing your chances of attaining your goals.
  2. Other people’s respect for you will also grow, which will include your spouse, your boss or employee, and those who can witness all your efforts.
  3. Your self-esteem will soar each time you push yourself. Your self-esteem will build.
  4. You can influence others who are watching, this can have a ripple effect on future generations.
  5. You are going to witness greater success in the different facets of your life.
  6. Your life will be more satisfying and rewarding when you are disciplined.

The downsides of not having discipline. If you are consistently neglecting, there are downsides that you can expect:

  1. You will never be able to meet your goals.
  2. You will never feel great about yourself even if you try hard in justifying your actions.
  3. You will lose the respect of the people who depend on your actions.


Mastering discipline sounds like an easy thing to do. However, it is challenging. Since the start of the pandemic in 2020, keeping track of tasks and sticking to the plan has been complicated for many, including myself. Most people's daily schedules have been distorted, and trying to get back on track can be difficult. It is important to address change in bite-sized pieces.

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