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Navigating Your Social Circle: Anchors vs. Engines

Do some people think your growth inhibits their progress?

Key points

  • Anchors inhibit growth; engines propel progress.
  • Choose wisely and seek those who help you evolve.
  • Evaluate impact: uplift or stagnation?
  • Cultivate a balance of anchors and engines for collective advancement.
Thomas Kelley/Unsplash
Some people are a source of energy while others drain it.
Source: Thomas Kelley/Unsplash

Are some people in your life holding you back while others propel you forward?

The company you keep can influence your ability to soar or cement you firmly in place, sitting in the same chair doing the same job for decades, void of any challenge or joy. Who we allow into our social circle can be the ultimate deciding factor in our career. Just as ships need sturdy anchors and powerful engines to navigate the seas, you must also be discerning in selecting the individuals you let into your life.

Anchors versus engines

Consider the metaphorical significance of anchors and engines. Anchors are fixtures that keep vessels rooted in place, providing stability and security, but they can also weigh us down, inhibiting progress and growth. Engines, n the other hand, are the driving forces propelling forward movement and faster than you can get on your own. Engines can ignite your ambition and enable you to reach new horizons.

What does this look like in your social circles?

You can’t be the same person at forty that you were at twenty. You are supposed to evolve. Anchors are individuals who, knowingly or unknowingly, tether you to past habits, limiting beliefs, or stagnant environments. They don’t want you to change. They see your growth as an inhibitor to their progress. They may offer comfort and familiarity, yet their presence often stifles innovation and personal development. Engaging with anchors can feel safe, but it comes at the cost of stagnation. Ultimately, they become energy drainers.

Conversely, engines are dynamic forces that energize and inspire you to reach greater heights. They want you to evolve and help you get there. Such individuals push you to challenge your assumptions, encourage strategic risk-taking, and foster an environment of continual learning and growth. Being in their orbit accelerates your progress, propelling you toward your goals and aspirations. Engaging with engines may require you to step out of your comfort zone. The rewards are immeasurable in terms of personal and professional advancement. Ultimately, they are energy suppliers.

Identifying whether someone is an anchor or an engine in your life

Determining whether someone is an anchor or an engine in your life requires introspection and reflection. It involves evaluating the impact of a person's presence on your mindset, behavior, and trajectory. Consider whether they uplift and empower you or hold you back. Do they align with your values and aspirations or perpetuate mediocrity?

Engines and anchors are reciprocal

Engines and anchors and your role with them is a two-way street. Just as we are influenced by others, we also shape the experiences of those around us. A balance between anchors and engines is needed; cultivating a community of engines not only benefits you individually but also contributes to the collective momentum of growth and achievement.

Choosing anchors and engines in your social circles reflects your commitment to personal and professional excellence. It requires courage to release the familiar embrace of anchors and grab onto the transformative energy of engines. You can determine whether you will stay put or forge ahead through intentional choices and meaningful connections.

More from Ruth Gotian Ed.D., M.S.
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