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Resources for History Months

Resources for students, parents, and educators celebrating suppressed histories.

Creative Commons, Used with Permission
Rosa Parks being fingerprinted/Creative Commons
Source: Creative Commons, Used with Permission

Happy Women's History Month. History has a history of only containing versions favorable of those in power when such histories were recorded. Even today, public school students’ textbooks present different versions of history based on the political party that dominates the states in which they live (Goldstein, 2020). The contributions and perspectives of historically marginalized groups are omitted, and it takes a concerted movement to ensure time is spent learning about and from subjugated groups.

To momentarily single out a group for consideration should not be mistaken as some sort of insult to other groups; it simply means that the histories of some groups, including members that affiliate with them, have been disproportionately ignored. For example, Black Lives Matter (BLM) would not have gained momentum as a mantra and movement if society, its systems, and its institutions reflected the same reverence for Black lives as is common for White lives.

In order to provide students with the most accurate understanding of history, with all its contributors, schools spend time honoring the contributions of particular groups during particular months. Teachers should present diverse contributions throughout the entire school year (not only within designated months), yet highlighting particular cultures at particular times gives historical underdogs a moment to shine and helps ensure their value is not missed.

Though sources differ concerning which histories (sometimes termed heritages) months commemorate, some of the more established months are below, along with resources to help students, parents, and educators celebrate these traditionally suppressed histories.

February: Black History Month

March: Women's History Month

May: Jewish American History Month

May: Asian Pacific American History Month

September 15-October 15: Latinx History Month

October: LGBT+ History Month

November: Native American History Month

I have provided just four resources per month, yet there are many more resources and even more commemorative months to celebrate. Every month offers students, parents, educators, and others a chance to celebrate diversity and the offerings of people from all backgrounds and to uncover histories that were previously buried. Have an enjoyable and informative Women’s History Month.


Goldstein, D. (2020, January 12). Two States. Eight Textbooks. Two American Stories. The New York Times.

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