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Beating Cabin Fever

Beating Cabin Fever

It's March, and in many parts of the country, it is still cold. That means that for many of us, it's natural to experience a bit of cabin fever. Whether you're feeling cooped up, grouchy, anxious, or down, there are things you can do to boost your mood and beat the winter blues!

Remember Spring is Coming: Winter is almost over! We are just a couple of weeks away from the official start of spring. You've made it through the worst of it. Soon there will be flowers blooming and long sunny days... Keep in mind that you are in the home stretch!

Get Outside, Get Moving: During the winter months, people spend more time inside. Even if you have to bundle up, go out for a walk! Set aside time, perhaps on your lunch hour, to spend a few minutes outside. You'll get some exercise and soak up the sun, including the vitamins that come with it. If there is a body of water such as a lake or pond nearby, take advantage of it. One study shows that just five minutes a day walking by the water boosts our mood.

Spring Clean and Donate: This is the perfect time to get spring-cleaning out of the way. You can get a fresh start by organizing your closet. You'll rediscover old outfits and can donate gently used items you no longer want to charities such as the Salvation Army. Other people will benefit, and you'll feel great.

Re-energize Social Relationships: During winter, we often become homebodies. We spend more time alone and can lose motivation to go out. How many times have we all thought, "I don't feel like going out tonight because it is so cold"? Skipping plans with friends can leave us feeling isolated. Pick a fun activity to re-energize your social life and help you feel connected to the people you love.

Plan a Trip: This is the time to make some plans, both for trips and local activities. Whip out the calendar and schedule something fun. Ideas could include planning a weekend getaway, signing up for a spring softball league, or taking a class you've had your eye on. This will give you things to look forward to and then enjoy!

You can also check out my segment on FOX Chicago News. We discussed this topic:

Michelle Gielan is a writer, speaker, and expert in positive health & wellness. She works to empower people with strategies and tools to create their happiest, most authentic life. For more inspiring articles and advice, you can follow Michelle here:

About the Author
Michelle Gielan

Michelle Gielan is a journalist and wellness expert, receiving a Master of Applied Positive Psychology from UPenn. She is a former national CBS News anchor.

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