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Love and Respect for All Parts of a DID System

A Personal Perspective: A letter to protector parts from my protector part.

Adrian Fletcher
Source: Adrian Fletcher

You have fought hard to guard hearts. I know vulnerability is a challenge for you, and when you choose to embrace it is scary, and it stings when you get hurt. Especially when you feel hurt, misled, and betrayed. I’ll remind you, though, that if you hadn’t formed to protect us at such a young age, we might not be here.

I’m sorry if others don’t recognize all you carry for the rest of the parts in the system. You are loved even when you are angry. You are loved even when you are raging on the inside. You are loved even when you are heartbroken. Remember, it is what you do with those feelings that are most important for your healing, not just for you, but for the rest of the parts and for whom and what you are working so hard to protect us from.

You can choose to lay down your metaphorical sword at any time. You are and will always be needed, and the ways in which you show up will make all the difference. Protector parts, you can learn to protect the system with love rather than projecting your anger, but you do need to process the anger in a safe and healthy way so that harmony in the system can be cultivated. This is what I have learned in my efforts to protect Adrian and the other parts of her.

When you get mad, respond, don’t react, and look for the opportunity to put more love back into the world. I found that to be healing in itself.

"Each part needs to remember, to feel their feelings, to allow those feelings to come out, and to connect the feelings with the memories and experiences." "Use all tools available and continue to learn and gather new tools and skills." "Don't ever give up...if there are missteps, mistakes, or setbacks, they do not have to de-rail you...remember you can choose to start right over again" (ATW, 2005).

All my love, Blaine
Protector Part of A. Fletcher

The information shared in this blog is not a substitute for therapy or any other form of professional mental health or medical care. It also does not constitute a doctor/patient relationship with Dr. Fletcher. The information provided is for educational and informational purposes only.

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ATW. (2005). Got Parts? An Insiders Guide to Managing Life Successfully with Dissociative Identity Disorder. Ann Arbor, MI: Love Healing Press.

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