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Listen to Podcast — Dr. T Discusses Sugar Addiction

Podcast of Dr. T discussing sugar addiction

Dear Readers,

I was a guest on Zentertainment Talk Radio yesterday discussing sugar addiction with host Jo Davidson. We had a wonderful 23-minute conversation and discussed many important health concerns related to sugar consumption.

When you have a free moment, I invite you all to listen to the podcast. Here's the intro from Zentertainment:

Beat Sugar Addiction Now

Have you ever realized how much sugar is hidden in many of the common foods people eat each day? Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D shares his cutting edge program to address sugar addiction and its causes ranging from adrenal fatigue, candida, PMS, poor sleep and more. He wants to put the sugar back into dessert, instead of having it for breakfast, lunch and dinner! The tips he shares can put you on the road to feeling great and losing weight!

Listen to interview »


"What About ME?" Feature Documentary

— Directed by Geoffrey Smith

A new feature film investigates ME with the goal of encouraging further research and health policy reform by spreading the word through videos, podcasts, and short virals on the Internet. The film is a feature length documentary aimed at worldwide theatrical release in 2012.

This powerful new video advocates for CFS as no longer being an "invisible illness," focusing on the XMRV research and work by the WPI.

As Bob Dylan said "The times, they are a' changing ;-)!"

Watch video trailer »

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