- Like many addictions, there are physical problems driving your sugar cravings. This simple quiz will identify your addiction type ― and simple treatments can then eliminate the sugar cravings and leave you feeling much better!
- Do you get "Feed me NOW or I'll kill you" moments? These reflect exhaustion of your adrenal stress handler glands. Instead of drinking a soda (3/4 spoons of sugar per ounce) which will put you on the sugar roller coaster, just put 1-2 tic tacs (or 1/2-1 packet of sugar) under your tongue and then eat a high protein snack (e.g., eggs, meat, fish, cheese, nuts). The sugar in two tic tacs is enough sugar to break the attack without putting you on the sugar roller coaster!
- Are you tired and reaching for "energy loan shark" drinks to keep you going? Instead, make a morning energy drink with a good vitamin powder (e.g., the Energy Revitalization System vitamin powder) plus one scoop of a special supplement called ribose. Our recent study showed that ribose increased energy an average of over 60% in three weeks!
Love & blessings,
Dr. T