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Bradley University Hosts 2019 Super Brain Summit on Trauma

Researches deep dive into the impact of trauma on the brain.

The Super Brain Summit is returning to Bradley University on April 26, 2019. The theme for the 4th annual Super Brain Summit is “Trauma: Searching for Post-traumatic Growth”. As I wrote in a previous post, trauma causes the brains of victims to change, both structurally and functionally. Survivors must restore their brains back to a homeostatic state to get to a mental place where they can feel safe and function properly. Yet repeated instances of trauma may cause victims to become hyper-vigilant and become devastating. By failing to develop effective means of coping with trauma, we lose control over our mental and physiological states. As educators and mental health professionals, we need to teach people how to regulate the symptoms of trauma, so they can live life and function at their fullest possible capacity. Neurocounseling, bridging the brain and behavior, helps me teach interventions to my clients such as diaphragmatic breathing, heart rate variability, skin temperature control, and many other needed biofeedback techniques.

This year’s Super Brain Summit features two distinguished speakers:

Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, MD is world renowned in the field of trauma and will be joining us live, in person at Bradley University. He researches how children and adults adapt to traumatic experiences. He has translated emerging neuroscience and attachment research to develop and study potentially effective treatments for traumatic stress. His work focuses on the interaction of attachment, neurobiology and developmental aspects of trauma effects on people. He is a psychiatrist and the author of the best-selling book, “The Body Keeps Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma.”

Dr. Amy Serin, joining us live and via remote live stream, is an internationally known clinical neuropsychologist, inventor, and author that applies her expertise to heal a multitude of mental health problems both in and out of her integrative care clinics. In the last decade, Dr. Serin has set out to treat and eradicate post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) which has led to the breakthrough realization that a component of successful treatments for PTSD could actually be used outside of doctor’s offices and embedded in non-invasive wearable technology to relieve stress anytime. This led to her co-founding The TouchPoint Solution in late 2015.

Here is some more information about how to join our revolutionary conference.

Participants can elect to participate in three different ways:

  • At Bradley University in the Michel Student Center Ballroom (915 N Elmwood Ave, Peoria, IL 61606)
  • Via WebEx streaming video from your computer
  • Via recorded sessions available for viewing by the end of May 2019 for one month CEUs are available for this program. Details will be provided in your registration materials.
  • CEUs are available for this program. Details will be provided in your registration materials.

Please register here by April 17, 2019 for the live session, however, you can still register after for the recorded session.

Are you interested in learning more about the many wonders of the brain? Bradley University offers a Master’s in Counseling online. Continue your exploration of the brain and dive into neurocounseling.

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