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My To-Do List

I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed; it's the busy season.

 Quinn Kampschroer from Pixabay
Source: Quinn Kampschroer from Pixabay


1) End homelessness

2) Feed the hungry

3) Make dentist appointment with Dr. Rubenstein/ask about nitrous
(refer to William James?)

4) Protect wildlife—lions, tigers, elephants, frogs, bees, whales, every fish in the plastic sea

5) Remove all plastic from sea/ring Elon about the viability of landfill on Mars/ask him for clean water & air ASAP/make priority over LA tunnel project

6) De-nuclearize, disarm everyone everywhere/hide sharp objects & sarin

7) Clean gutters/rake leaves/call deck guy for an estimate

Public Domain
Jimmy John's CEO looking happy with himself.
Source: Public Domain


9) Release refugee children from cages/reunite with parents/grant asylum to anyone who doesn't want to kill us

10) Eliminate fossil-fuels, make planet solar-powered, wind-powered, battery-powered, yet-to-be-discovered-powered/introduce electric transport everywhere (Elon again, if he has time)

11) Replace 3-way bulb in living room (LED?)/buy new bath mat/fill prescriptions for Wellbutrin, Paxil, Adderall, & Valium/stop taking baby aspirin says somebody on FB/continue COQ-10, Omega 3s, D3/B12, turmeric, magnesium, DHEA, NAC & all the other useless but expensive crap from Whole Foods/try Moringa?

12) Reverse warming temperatures & rise of oceans (IDEA! Dig ocean floors 6 feet deeper to compensate—possible?/ask Elon)

13) Stop destroying Amazon rainforest, effective immediately/take ayahuasca with indigenous shaman in Peru (ditto peyote/psilocybin/San Pedro cactus)/ legalize psychedelics/locate God, Allah, Brahman, Christ & Buddha Nature, negotiate religious treaty/serve them plant-based lunch

14) Call Aunt Judy (still alive???) /cousin Jenny re: Pap smear party

15) Free all the chickens/also cows and pigs/end factory farming & animal lab testing, especially on eyes of beagles/remove back lawn/grow arugula & snap peas

16) Also front lawn

 Lena-H, FlickR
Source: Lena-H, FlickR

17) Re-freeze Arctic ice shelf, Greenland, etc/ask Jimmy Carter if Habitat 4 Humanity can provide temporary housing for polar bears now balancing on one leg

18) Cease all sex-trafficking and sexual abuse of children/& adults/shoot perpetrators into outer space

19) Introduce equal pay, equal opportunities, equal education, equal food distribution, equal housing & basic needs for all humans, regardless of nationality, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, skin color, height, weight, IQ, EQ, Enneagram #, skills, abilities, sense of humor, and pre-existing conditions

20) Breathe/breathe again/try to breathe

21) Cure Alzheimer’s, ALS, asthma, autism, Parkinson’s, cancer, heart disease, emphysema, arthritis (rheumatoid & osteo), lupus, diabetes Type 1, Type 2, Types 3-5, hepatitis A, B, C, D, & E, cystic fibrosis, gluten sensitivity, celiac disease, lactose intolerance, meningitis, tuberculosis, herpes, chlamydia, all STDs, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, Epstein-Barre, Hashimoto’s, flu, shingles, hay fever, Lyme disease/heal the blind, deaf, lame & crippled/acne

22) Schedule horseback riding lessons/volunteer meals-on-wheels?/take Tai Chi class, or Chi Gong, Tae Kwon Do, Jujitsu, or anything Asian-sounding/read an Alan Watts book/buy matcha, shoji screen & tatami mat

23) Add MDMA to White Nationalist water supply, also alt-Right, Aryan militias, KKK/hug a neo-Nazi, tell him most Jews are pretty funny

24) Eliminate pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, homicides, and suicides

fancycrave1 from Pixabay
Source: fancycrave1 from Pixabay

25) Meditate, get enlightened, become spiritual guru/charge ton of money telling people to watch their breath (in AND out)/design advanced course/market to top 1% for ridiculous amount/write The Power of Then/tell Anthony Robbins to chill out a bit

26) Prevent global extinction of every living creature

27) Harry's 70th bday present: Apple Watch???

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