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Nathaniel Lambert Ph.D.
Nathaniel Lambert Ph.D.

Three Weight Loss Myths to Avoid at All Cost

Common ideas about losing weight that will kill your success.

Exciting news! My book Four Truths About Weight Loss That Nobody Tells You is available for purchase in Kindle or hardcopy. Click here to purchase! If you followed my blog on this topic, you will love all the exercises at the end of each chapter, inspirational quotes, and expanded content. Also, now that the book is published, most of the content has been removed from prior blog posts and is now only available in the book. Also, I have been invited to share my weight loss ideas with hundreds of thousands of listeners on the Happiness and Success Formula Telesummit. My interview with Kita Szpak will be broadcast this Wednesday at 3 p.m EST, you can click on this link to register and listen for free.

Myth #1: There is One Correct Way to Lose Weight, One Silver Bullet

All diet programs out there will try to convince you that they have the answer and that only their plan will be effective and correct. Of course, their motive in this is to make sure that you are loyal to them so that you buy their expensive products every time you want to try to lose weight. The problem is that everyone gets diet fatigue, cheats, and then you have to start all over again. Instead, you need to change your paradigm and not believe what those diet companies are saying. Recognize that there are many paths that lead to the top of the weight loss mountain. I’m not suggesting that you not use these proven diet approaches; rather, choose the ones that have worked the best for you in the past and use them in a planned sequence. Giving yourself this variety will give you greater motivation, greatly reduce diet fatigue, and keep your body guessing so that you can make it to the top. My book Four Truths About Weight Loss That Nobody Tells You provides detailed suggestions about how to implement such a plan to make it work.

Myth #2: I am Strong Enough to Do It By Myself

Many people mistakenly believe that they have the willpower or the sheer determination to lose and maintain weight by themselves. This is similar to someone believing that they can climb Mount Everest on their own—you can’t! Those who successfully summit Everest have a team they rely on for help and support to make it to the top and couldn’t do it without them. You also must have a team of committed friends or family members that will hold you accountable and keep you focused on your goal. I wish that I could say that, as passionate as I am about this subject, I can do it on my own; after all I wrote the book on the topic, right? Nope, I admit that I still heavily rely on my team to keep me focused and strong. To make permanent, lasting changes that you can maintain during the huge stresses and curveballs that life throws at you, a team is a must. Four Truths About Weight Loss That Nobody Tells You helps you to put together a team and provides several example weight loss and maintenance strategies that your team could adopt to ensure long-term success.

Myth #3: Losing Weight is the Most Challenging Part of My Journey

Losing weight is no easy task—in fact, it’s extremely difficult. My book Four Truths About Weight Loss That Nobody Tells You illustrates several strategies to help you overcome some of the typical hurdles that accompany weight loss. To make it all the way down to your ideal weight is an amazing feat! However, most people focus so much on weight loss that they don’t realize all the complexities of keeping the weight off long-term. They fall into the trap of thinking that they will be so happy to be at their ideal weight that they will never gain it back. Everyone has a plan for losing weight, but few have a plan for keeping it off. As a result, most people don’t. Did you know that a higher percentage of people who attempt to make it to the top of Mount Everest are successful than the percentage of people who lose a lot of weight and keep it off for three years? Studies show that only 10-20% of people that lose a lot of weight are still thin three years later! That is one key distinction of my book Four Truths About Weight Loss That Nobody Tells You. Most weight loss books out there focus exclusively on weight loss and don’t provide much in the way of strategies for keeping the weight off. Approximately half of Four Truths About Weight Loss That Nobody Tells You is devoted to proven ideas for keeping your weight off.

Bonus Myth: The True Role of Exercise in Weight Loss

For a bonus myth, tune in to my interview on the free Happiness and Success Formula Telesummit Wednesday at 3:00 p.m EST. I describe the true role of exercise in weight loss.

These are only a few of the myths that I bust in Four Truths About Weight Loss That Nobody Tells You. Click here to purchase a copy or click here for a free download of the introduction and chapter 1. Best wishes to your weight loss goals this summer!

About the Author
Nathaniel Lambert Ph.D.

Nathaniel Lambert, Ph.D., is a psychology professor at the University of Utah.

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