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Amee Baird Ph.D.


Amee Baird, Ph.D. completed a Master of Clinical Neuropsychology and Ph.D. on the topic of sexual outcome after epilepsy surgery at the University of Melbourne. She has worked as a clinical neuropsychologist for two decades in both clinical and research positions, including the National Hospital for Neurology & Neurosurgery in London, and Salpetriere Hospital in Paris, where she completed postdoctoral research on music and memory. She is now based in Newcastle, Australia, where she has a private clinical practice and conducts clinical research. She is currently funded by a National Health and Medical Research Council/Australian Research Council Dementia Research Development Fellowship for the project “Can music mend minds?: Investigating the mechanisms underlying the beneficial effects of music in people with dementia.” The main topic of this project is the relationship between music, memory and the self in people with dementia. She has also developed a strong interest in “neurolaw,” and how evidence from brain imaging and neuropsychology is being used in criminal cases in which the diagnosis of dementia in an offender has been raised. A central theme of her research career has been relationships, and how people and their partners navigate life together after a brain injury or disease. Her first book, Sex in the Brain, draws on her Ph.D. research and cases from her clinical practice.

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