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Moving On

When your passions change it is time to let go of some old loves.

Jenni Ogden photo
Jenni Moves On!
Source: Jenni Ogden photo

The time has come for me to say goodbye to writing blog posts for Psychology Today. Moving on is often hard; leaving behind that which we have beome attached to, enjoyed, and holds special memories for us. For me, as I move further into my career as a novelist and away from my active role as a clinical neuropsychologist, my value as a blogger for Psychology Today becomes less apparent. Added to this, my addiction to everything neuropsychology has been replaced by an addiction for writing fiction! This has been a massive learning curve for me and a very exciting one, as my debut novel, ‘A Drop in the Ocean’ finds more enthusiastic readers (60,000 copies sold now!), my next novel is looking as if it might find a good publisher home, and my third is currently in the revision stage. (Of course my ‘bookclub’ fiction has lots of psychological depths, I hope, and draws on my neuropsychology knowledge in particular. My debut novel, for example, delves into the difficult decisions that families who harbor Huntington’s Disease must grapple with, as well as marine turtle conservation, and includes extensive author notes at the end on both these topics.) Also I now review a lot of novels pre-publication, and this is deliciously time-consuming. So now I want to spend more time on my new novelist career rather than on coming up with blog posts more related to psychology directly that I think might be of interest to Psychology Today readers. When something becomes more of a chore than a pleasure, it is time to move on.

But I have so enjoyed my seven years with Psychology Today, as much or more reading the posts of so many wise Psychology Today bloggers as writing my own. So thank you for reading my posts and for communicating and sharing your thoughts and questions with me over the years. I hope some of my posts have informed or amused you, or best of all given you something to think about (not so very different to good fiction really). If you do want to keep in touch with my ongoing activities, I would love you to subscribe to my monthly e-mail newsletter where I chat about our off-grid living ups and downs and general adventures, my travels, often to islands and remote places, my writing discoveries, and always a review of a book (usually fiction) I have recently read and loved.

Go well, stay interested and involved, and most of all seek happiness in your lives and in your work, and make it your mission to be kind, and to do whatever you can to enhance the happiness of others. And keep in mind that life moves on, and that the career and passions you have now may one day be overtaken by different passions and a different career, and that is good.

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