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Anti-Cancer Sprouts

Presents an answer to question on broccoli sprouts. How can it prevent cancer; Anti-cancer chemical in the sprouts; Other vegetables and fruits with anti-cancer agents.

Q: I was amazed to read that scientists at Johns Hopkins Universitydiscovered that broccoli sprouts may help prevent cancer. I understand sprout supple. meets may be available in stores by the end of 1998. Should I start eating them?

A: A new day has dawned when top scientists in their sophisticated laboratories are turning into gardeners. One such gardener, Paul Talalay, M.D., from Johns Hopkins, did indeed discover that, at least in lab rodents, three-day old broccoli sprouts offer far more cancer protection than their overgrown relatives (broccoli itself). In fact, the sprouts contain an astonishing 20 to 50 times more of the cancer-preventive chemical glucoraphanin than mature broccoli.

Broccoli isn't the only such star in the plant kingdom. New research shows that lycopenes, which give tomatoes their red color, are powerful anti-cancer agents. Scientists think lycopenes actually may be more protective than beta-carotene, the pigment found in carrots, yams, squash, and other vegetables. Lycopenes are best absorbed when tomatoes are cooked. Other sources include watermelon and red grapefruit.

PHOTO (COLOR): Broccoli sprouts are tiny, tangy cancer-fighters.