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Matt Johnson Ph.D.


Matt Johnson, PhD is a speaker, researcher, and writer specializing in the application of psychology and neuroscience to marketing. Following his Ph.D. in Cognitive Psychology from Princeton University, his work has explored the science behind brand loyalty, experiential marketing, and consumer decision-making. He is the author of Branding That Means Business (The Economist, Fall 2022) and the best-selling consumer psychology book Blindsight: The (mostly) hidden ways marketing reshapes our brains (BenBella, 2020).

As a contributor to major news outlets, including Entrepreneur, Forbes, and BBC, he regularly provides expert opinion and thought leadership on a range of topics related to the human side of business. Matt is also passionate about helping brands use neuroscience to better understand, serve, and interact with their consumers, and to this end, he consults with a wide array of organizations, including as an expert-in-residence for Nike. Matt currently resides in Boston, MA, where he is a Professor of Psychology of Marketing and Hult International Business School and an instructor at Harvard University’s Division of Continuing Education.

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