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Burger King's Seven-Incher vs. Calvin Klein's Threesome

Each ad is targeting a respective body part!

Burger King in the Singapore area has just started to run its new oral sex ad. A quick compare-and-contrast of the Burger King ad with the latest Calvin Klein billboard is the stuff that academics dream of.

Are we talking two polar extremes of how sex can be used to sell things, or what?

The Burger King ad is in your face, the Calvin Klein billboard is in your crotch. Wonderful testaments to the wide brushstroke that sex can have in our lives.

Each ad is targeting a respective orifice or body part, which makes sense given the products being sold. The wicked beauty is in how the two products are at such odds with each other: too many visits to Burger King and good luck getting into your Calvins.

As for approaches, Burger King invokes the universal seven inches metaphor and pretty much sky-writes the word fellatio across the face of their ad, while Calvin doesn't use any words at all.

Burger King then ups the ante with copy that reads "Fill your desire for something long, juicy and flame-grilled with the new BK Super Seven Incher. Yearn for more after you taste the mind-blowing burger that comes with a single beef patty, topped with American cheese, crispy onions and the A1 Thick & Hearty Steak Sauce."

As for BK's target audience, that's a good question. I don't know too many women who relish the thought of seven inches of something that wide going down their throats, so maybe the target audience is hungry guys who can only wish. (I discussed the Calvin billboard's target audience in my last posting.)

Much to parents' relief, the Burger King ad can be read by children with the most stress-inducing questions being, "Can we go inside and eat it there, Mommy, can we go inside?" as opposed to doing the drive-thru. The Calvin ad, however, puts parents on thin ice when little Marley asks, "How come that guy's got his pants open," or "I wanna so kiss Jacob AND Ethan just like that girl on the billboard!"

Also, is the new Burger King seven-incher ad a poke at Subway, who has been trying to hawk its six-incher since time began? This assumes that women believe bigger is better when it comes to penis size. The average (penis, not sandwich) is somewhere between 5.5 and 6.5 inches long, unless you're looking at a Calvin Klein underwear ad with models like Brandon Stoughton, in which case you'd probably need a yard stick.

I welcome PT Blog readers to add your own take on the two ads.

Thanks to Media Bistro's Ad Agency Spy for the new BK ad alert.

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