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Ross Harper Ph.D.


Ross Harper, Ph.D., CEO of Limbic AI, is a distinguished computational neuroscientist with a rich academic background. Holding a Ph.D. in Computational Neuroscience and a Master's in Mathematical Modeling from University College London, as well as a Master’s in Natural Sciences from the University of Cambridge, Ross possesses an intricate understanding of the overlap between mathematics, technology, and the human mind. He launched Limbic in 2020 to enable large language models and generative AI to aid and assist processes in the mental health space, supporting clinicians and their patients within the NHS during the pandemic. Used by over 230,000 patients and mental health professionals within the NHS, Ross is leading a company that is improving patient access to mental health resources, speeding up diagnosis, and even supporting mental health professionals to avoid burnout as the company prepares to expand into the U.S.

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