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23 Affirmations for 2023

Start the new year strong with positive affirmations.

Key points

  • The start of the year is a natural time to look forward and make changes. One technique that can help is to use positive affirmations.
  • These short statements can provide many benefits to our physical and emotional health when focused on regularly.
Clay Banks/Unsplash
Source: Clay Banks/Unsplash

The start of a new year is a natural time to look forward—to think about what matters most to us, clarify what we want to focus on, and set goals or intentions for the year ahead. Affirmations can be a helpful tool for building the confidence and motivation we need to achieve our goals. To help, I’ve written 23 affirmations for 2023 that can help you cultivate a positive mindset and stay committed to your personal growth.

What are affirmations?

Affirmations are short, simple statements that validate and encourage us. They can increase motivation and help us persevere. They also help us focus our time, energy, and thoughts on what’s most important to us.

Our thoughts influence our feelings and actions, so when you find yourself struggling or getting off track, reading or saying affirmations can help you refocus on your goals and create feelings of optimism or a positive mindset.

Positive self-statements are especially helpful if you tend to rely on others to affirm your feelings, choices, needs, or self-worth as they can help you develop the ability to affirm yourself and decrease your reliance on others to validate your self-worth.

Are affirmations useful?

Many people like affirmations because they're a simple way to focus on their emotional strength and resiliency. However, if affirmations are to work, they need to be realistic and authentic. Some affirmations can feel overly optimistic or unbelievable. For example, telling yourself “I am full of peace and joy” when you feel tense and worried probably won’t feel true or helpful.

Research by Wood et al. (2009) bore this out. They conducted two studies that showed that participants who had low self-esteem felt worse after repeating the affirmation “I’m a lovable person” or focusing only on how that statement was true. This study underlines the importance of choosing affirmations that feel true and reasonable to you.

Instead of repeating affirmations that don’t ring true, I recommend acknowledging your struggle (that you feel tense and worried) and focusing on how you want to cope—what you want to think, feel, and do in response to your stress and anxiety—or your ability to cope. You might say, “I can lean on others for support,” or “I can tolerate uncertainty.”

Tip: Adding the phrase “I am practicing” to affirmations often helps them feel more realistic. For example, if leaning on others for support is hard for you, you might feel more comfortable saying, “I am practicing leaning on others for support.”

Affirmations for the new year

  1. Every day is an opportunity for a fresh start.
  2. Baby steps add up to big changes.
  3. I am focusing on what's most important to me.
  4. I am doing what’s right for me. It's OK that some people do not agree with or support my choices.
  5. I accept that I can’t control others. I release them to make their own choices.
  6. I can lean on others for support.
  7. My worth isn't based on other people's standards and opinions.
  8. I am setting boundaries for my own well-being, not to control or punish others.
  9. I am limiting my exposure to people who treat me poorly.
  10. I can overcome obstacles, figure things out, and persevere.
  11. I can tolerate uncertainty.
  12. I notice my emotions and am curious about what they’re telling me.
  13. My past does not define me.
  14. I notice what's going well in my life and am grateful for what I have and who I am.
  15. I don't expect perfection from myself or anyone else. I accept that we all make mistakes.
  16. I treat myself with loving kindness.
  17. Self-care isn’t selfish.
  18. I can’t control everything that happens to me, but I can control my responses.
  19. My feelings and needs are valid. I don’t have to justify them.
  20. I'm choosing to think positively.
  21. My mental health is a priority.
  22. I'm proud of how far I've come.
  23. I will not give up.

How to use affirmations

Begin with two to four affirmations. You can choose some from the list above, modify them, or write your own. Remember to choose affirmations that speak to you and reflect your goals and needs.

People often create a daily practice of writing affirmations in a journal or saying them aloud or silently at the same time every day, such as when they first wake up. You may also find it useful to repeat your affirmations during moments of stress as you would a mantra. Periodically, check in with yourself to see if your affirmations need to be adjusted or replaced with new affirmations.


Wood, J. V., Elaine Perunovic, W. Q., & Lee, J. W. (2009). Positive self-statements. Psychological Science (20)7, 860-866.

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